Do you ever feel like you are running in a social network race? I do. But I don't know who I am racing? I think it is a race against time.
A race for information, a feeling of not knowing enough, feeling like you need to do more, read more, learn more. Trying to keep up with all the interesting tweets on Twitter. Checking out all the cool and informative links that people tweet. Staying on top of Facebook updates, becoming fans of various businesses, organizations and causes on Facebook. Keeping up with reading blogs, writing blog posts and commenting on blogs. Checking email, Skype, Yahoo and AIM. Read the news online. Watch a few YouTube videos, Blip some songs. Remember to check text messages on iPhone. Check Google alerts. Review Google analytics. Attend conferences about blogging and social networking, attend and/or coordinate Webinars and tele-seminars. Teach clients, friends and family about social networking. Re-learn how to use Wordpress. Contemplate moving this blog from Blogger to Wordpress. Try to keep up at Virtual Assistant networking, IVAA, and all the other great online forums and communities I am a part of. Check MySpace and other random social networking sites (occasionally). Organize a local TweetUp. Agree to do an interview about my blog. And, and, and... the list goes on and on.
Thanks for listening to my brain dump. The previous paragraph is a description of a usual day in the life of Sally.
This is the part where I should say what the moral of this story is… but I don't know what it is. I think the moral is sometimes I need to turn my computer off and just chill or do nothing. I think I’m going to step away from the computer and finish reading The Whuffie Factor: Using the Power of Social Networks to Build Your Business
No wonder I can't sleep at night. Sheesh.
You just described my life! I took two weeks off of FB & Twitter recently (except for posting some business related stuff--thank goodness for Tweetlater). I also limited email to 15 minutes twice a day and stayed off blogs. Wow it was hard, but freed up so much time. There is this fear that you will miss something. I hate that. now I am back on, and I am trying to place time limits on this stuff, but it's hard.
Chris, I think it is a good idea to take internet breaks sometimes. I like idea of setting time increments for checking email. It can be a never ending process. Thanks for commenting!
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